Yoga Poses for Gut Health

Stimulating the digestive burning, yoga practices are a great way to work on the digestive system. Asana movements can gently compress and release the stomach and colon, as well as encourage your liver and kidneys' detoxification stimulations. Twists and forward folds are very impactful for this. This provides a massage for your internal organs and helps break down food and move it through the digestive tract.


Here are four of my favorites which can be repeated 3-4 times each.


Seated Forward Fold (modified with a strap) – Sit on your bum with your legs extended in staff pose. As best as you can, place the straps around the balls of your feet and gently tighten your grip so you feel a slight stretch reaching forward. Relax and breathe. Hold for several seconds, release and repeat. Now remove your strap and place it to the side.


Knees to Chest Pose – Begin by lying on your back with legs extended. As you exhale, bring both knees to your chest and grab your wrist or wrists or forearms if you can with your opposite hand. Keep your back flat on your mat. Hold for several seconds or minutes if you like, release and repeat.


Half Lord of the Fish Pose – Sit with your legs extended in front of you in staff pose.  Lift your right leg and place your right foot on the outside of your left knee. As you inhale, press your sitting bones down and lengthen your spine. Grab your knee with your right hand and give a gentle stretch as your left hand extends towards your left back touching your mat for support. Look to your left side, hold and switch sides after a few seconds.


Supported Child’s Pose - Place your hands and knees on the ground with your fingers forward. Keep your back parallel to the ground. Push your hips back resting on the back of your heels as your toes will be touching and your knees are spread apart to your comfort level. You may use a block to raise and support your head by placing your forehead on it. Now extend your arms forward and feel the gentle stretch in your lower back. Hold for several seconds or minutes. 

Rotate to each side if you.


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Namaste and remember… WE are Limitless



You can’t always have a good day. But you can always face a bad day with a good attitude.


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